October 2016

Healing Our Wounds – Skin and Relationships


Healing skin wounds is a complex process. The same is true for relationship wounds. Civility, caring for other people, conflict management, self-control, integrity are constructive traits.  I am disappointed and dismayed by the negativity in society right now.  As we near our national election there is blame, ridicule, slander, questionable integrity, and division.  Candidates and [...]

Healing Our Wounds – Skin and Relationships2016-10-30T14:16:18+00:00

June 2015

Healing Our Wounds


Do you have any scars?  The body’s primary defense mechanism and largest organ is the skin.  Any breach in the skin’s integrity can allow bacteria and infection into the body, alter the body’s ability to regulate temperature and water storage, and it usually hurts.  The skin is a very sensitive organ. Any cut, tear, wound results [...]

Healing Our Wounds2015-06-27T18:05:15+00:00


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