August 2016

Vaccines – Important part of your travel plans


Check your vaccines needed before international travel. What are your views about vaccines? Are you up-to-date? When was your last check-up appointment with your primary care provider? What exotic locations are on your bucket list? There has been a lot of discussion, many articles, and many opinions shared about vaccination. Vaccines protect you [...]

Vaccines – Important part of your travel plans2016-08-05T17:33:39+00:00

April 2016

Flu – Not to be Taken Lightly – It’s NOT too late


It is not too late to get your flu vaccine! People are dying from the flu! Now, this week! Do you get an annual flu vaccine? If yes, does that mean you will not get the flu? If you do not get a flu vaccine, why not? Let’s review some common responses to [...]

Flu – Not to be Taken Lightly – It’s NOT too late2016-04-10T10:01:03+00:00

November 2015

Flu Shots – Do I REALLY need one?


Most of us grew up before influenza (flu) shots were recommended for nearly everyone. We lived a lot of years just fine without them. Sure, we got sick for about a week sometimes, but we lived through it and got right back on track with our daily lives. So why make such a big deal [...]

Flu Shots – Do I REALLY need one?2015-11-15T16:28:55+00:00


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