January 2019

Retirement – The Next Major Life Transition


What is your strategy to navigate the transition to retirement? What are the feelings and thoughts that come to mind when you consider the word ‘RETIREMENT’? I am finding one of four answers from executive men who are nearing this transition. I have been planning with fitness, travel plans, family plans, hobby plans [...]

Retirement – The Next Major Life Transition2020-05-07T15:21:17+00:00

April 2017

Distraction, Transition, Repair – sources of falls


Stairs are one example where distraction, transition, and repair greatly increase risk of falls. If you read my blogs, you know how passionate I am about cutting down on the falls that occur daily.   We often think it’s the ‘older’ and the ‘frailer’ people that fall. We each look at the group at [...]

Distraction, Transition, Repair – sources of falls2017-04-08T19:04:28+00:00

August 2015

Life Transitions = Depression Risk


As my son returns to college I am fighting tears and happy at the same time. It is such a big adjustment to be away from him for several weeks at a time. I am sitting here thinking about the big impact of life transitions. We all experience them. It is common knowledge that loss [...]

Life Transitions = Depression Risk2015-08-30T20:48:59+00:00


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