April 2023

How do you preserve your decision-making ability?


Pushing through, powering on, taking control are not the answers.  Yet, those are often our go-to solutions when things are difficult. As you can see in the image below, our stress and fear response leads to a negative cycle. Life was complicated before, but WOW, the last three years have stretched and tested us in [...]

How do you preserve your decision-making ability?2023-04-14T21:30:59+00:00

May 2019

Filters – living through the stresses in our society


Use filters to manage stress and bad news to preserve your health. I was sitting at a stoplight one block from UNC-Charlotte preparing to turn on to WT Harris Boulevard when it felt like at explosion of sirens went off.  Suddenly there were rescue vehicles coming from everywhere. There were fire trucks, police cars, [...]

Filters – living through the stresses in our society2020-05-07T14:42:30+00:00

July 2017

Serenity- Exploring this component of your health


Finding time for quiet serenity is key to good health. Where do you find serenity? Webster defines serenity as, ‘the state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled’. I have just returned from a trip of celebration with my Mom (70), me (50), and my daughters aged 18 and 16. We have been planning [...]

Serenity- Exploring this component of your health2017-07-17T13:25:05+00:00


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