January 2022

PREVENT – cognitive decline in retirement, Part 1


You can take steps now to prevent cognitive decline Do you fear this—the steady decline of cognitive ability? The slow decay of our minds and our ability to think, recall, remember? Do you consider it each time you forget something? What are you doing about it? As we focus on prevention, unless you have a [...]

PREVENT – cognitive decline in retirement, Part 12022-01-05T16:28:18+00:00

April 2020

Hope and Health during COVID


How are you managing your health - all aspects - during this COVID pandemic? How are you here in COVID times?  How are you managing your day, your thoughts, your diet, your exercise, your responsibilities?  I admit, I just ‘did’ these things as I was caught up in the busy-ness of ‘life before’.  [...]

Hope and Health during COVID2020-05-07T12:52:37+00:00

January 2019

Retirement – The Next Major Life Transition


What is your strategy to navigate the transition to retirement? What are the feelings and thoughts that come to mind when you consider the word ‘RETIREMENT’? I am finding one of four answers from executive men who are nearing this transition. I have been planning with fitness, travel plans, family plans, hobby plans [...]

Retirement – The Next Major Life Transition2020-05-07T15:21:17+00:00


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