April 2020

Hope and Health during COVID


How are you managing your health - all aspects - during this COVID pandemic? How are you here in COVID times?  How are you managing your day, your thoughts, your diet, your exercise, your responsibilities?  I admit, I just ‘did’ these things as I was caught up in the busy-ness of ‘life before’.  [...]

Hope and Health during COVID2020-05-07T12:52:37+00:00

October 2016

Quality of Life – your attitude and health


Your quality of life is different than just living. If you are breathing and your heart is beating, then you are alive. Within that life there can be a HUGE range in your quality of life. Quality of life is your overall well-being or satisfaction. How is yours? Being satisfied with your life encompasses many [...]

Quality of Life – your attitude and health2016-10-02T08:09:27+00:00

March 2016

Four Components of True Health – Spiritual Health


Spiritual health is one of four key components of health Spiritual health is the third of the four components of health. True health requires health in all four components. Over the last two weeks we covered physical and mental health. Next week we will cover the fourth component. This blog is being released [...]

Four Components of True Health – Spiritual Health2016-03-27T07:17:44+00:00


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