May 2016

U-Turn ahead – not too late to turn your health around


Turn your health around. You can still make positive health changes. Is it too late to turn your health around? Although we were raised certain ways we can still make a U-turn, or at least navigate a big curve. I was raised with dessert every day, lots of processed foods, little to no [...]

U-Turn ahead – not too late to turn your health around2016-05-22T14:00:24+00:00

March 2016

Four Components of True Health – Physical Health


Physical health component of the four key components of health Physical health is the first of the four components of health. True health requires health in all four components. Over the next three weeks we will talk about each separately. Physical health is the type that is usually thought of first when describing [...]

Four Components of True Health – Physical Health2016-03-13T09:00:46+00:00

October 2015

Triggers – Asthma and COPD


There are so many things that can bring on an asthma attack making it hard to breath. Some examples are: Perfume Smoke Dust Weeds Pollen Foods Pets Exercise Cool, damp air People with asthma can go from feeling fine to struggling for breath in just a few minutes. The same thing can happen to some [...]

Triggers – Asthma and COPD2015-10-04T17:48:18+00:00


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