July 2017

Are you part of the 2% with a perfect medication regimen? I hope so!


Are you in the 2% with a perfect med regimen or part of the 98% with room for improvement? After thousands of patients and over 20 years of collecting data, I consistently find that 2% of the patients I see don’t need any medication change.   I hope you are in this esteemed 2%. [...]

Are you part of the 2% with a perfect medication regimen? I hope so!2017-07-30T16:36:24+00:00

December 2016

Wrong Assumptions lead to Bad Medicine


Avoid wrong assumptions that lead to incorrect actions. When was the last time you made and acted on wrong assumptions? It is so easy to do. You see something from your perspective and your mind fills in the details of the who, what, when, how, and why. It’s often long after you have [...]

Wrong Assumptions lead to Bad Medicine2016-12-14T10:50:09+00:00

Problem Medications sending people to the ER


Don't let problem medications send you to the emergency room Problem medications are leading to an increasing number of emergency department visits. And more and more of those are ending up being admitted to the hospital. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in November 2016 revealed these findings. [...]

Problem Medications sending people to the ER2016-12-05T19:04:45+00:00


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