February 2017

Falls – Steps you can take now to prevent them


Be proactive to prevent falls that could change your future. I have been talking with a lot of groups and individuals about ways to prevent falls. Falls come out of nowhere most of the time. You don’t even think about them until they happen. According to data from the Centers for Disease Control, [...]

Falls – Steps you can take now to prevent them2017-02-05T16:39:41+00:00

July 2015

Center of Gravity – Falls Prevention


Picture a supermodel in her heels walking heel to toe with long stride. Now try it. Do you feel unsteady? When your feet are that close together, or even nearly crossing, it is easy to fall. Your center of gravity is very high. The bulk of the weight is up high with a narrow base. Now think [...]

Center of Gravity – Falls Prevention2015-07-19T17:29:23+00:00


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