May 2017

Garbage in can turn you to rubble – change your choices


Garbage in your life leads to negative consequences. You’ve heard, ‘garbage in – garbage out’. Wow, that holds true with our health, too. I want to focus on three particular types of garbage in our lives. Garbage food I admit I am not the most healthy eater. But, I do try to make [...]

Garbage in can turn you to rubble – change your choices2017-05-28T20:01:27+00:00

October 2016

Healing Our Wounds – Skin and Relationships


Healing skin wounds is a complex process. The same is true for relationship wounds. Civility, caring for other people, conflict management, self-control, integrity are constructive traits.  I am disappointed and dismayed by the negativity in society right now.  As we near our national election there is blame, ridicule, slander, questionable integrity, and division.  Candidates and [...]

Healing Our Wounds – Skin and Relationships2016-10-30T14:16:18+00:00


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