December 2021

Before you give up…marriage in retirement


Marriage steps to go the distance through retirement. Have you noticed the things that caused arguments and disagreements in marriage early on come back with a vengeance as you near retirement? Differences in people that are married/committed seem to arise at rather predictable times. First year – wow, you’re different than I thought you [...]

Before you give up…marriage in retirement2021-12-16T14:53:51+00:00

November 2020

Retirement – Bridge or Cliff?


Cross the bridge to health and purpose in retirement rather than fall off the cliff People have been retiring forever, so why is this important? Well, after nearly 30 years in healthcare, I’ve seen a startling trend that must be addressed. Let’s walk through two scenarios, and you pick the one that reflects your future [...]

Retirement – Bridge or Cliff?2020-11-12T20:09:23+00:00

January 2019

24 Hours per Day and Relationships


How do you prioritize your relationships? A friend posted this on Facebook this week.  She got it from Relationship Rules. People make time for who they want to make time for.  People text and reply to people they want to talk to.  Never believe anyone who says they’ve been too busy.  If they [...]

24 Hours per Day and Relationships2020-05-07T14:54:48+00:00


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