January 2022

PREVENT – cognitive decline in retirement, Part 1


You can take steps now to prevent cognitive decline Do you fear this—the steady decline of cognitive ability? The slow decay of our minds and our ability to think, recall, remember? Do you consider it each time you forget something? What are you doing about it? As we focus on prevention, unless you have a [...]

PREVENT – cognitive decline in retirement, Part 12022-01-05T16:28:18+00:00

November 2020

Retirement – Bridge or Cliff?


Cross the bridge to health and purpose in retirement rather than fall off the cliff People have been retiring forever, so why is this important? Well, after nearly 30 years in healthcare, I’ve seen a startling trend that must be addressed. Let’s walk through two scenarios, and you pick the one that reflects your future [...]

Retirement – Bridge or Cliff?2020-11-12T20:09:23+00:00

March 2017

We NEED to be NEEDED to maintain our HEALTH


We all need to be needed even if it is to care for an African Violet Have you ever thought about the link between being needed and health? As I’m thinking about it, that link could probably go both ways. I am wanting to tell you about the health benefits of being needed. [...]

We NEED to be NEEDED to maintain our HEALTH2017-03-05T20:18:32+00:00


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