March 2023

Anxiety, Pain, Sleep – the vicious triad


Anxiety, pain, and sleep are a vicious triad of issues.  When you’re anxious, pain feels worse, it is hard to sleep When you’re in pain, it is difficult to sleep, and anxiety rates are higher When you don’t sleep well, pain feels worse, and more things make you anxious Once someone is in the cycle, [...]

Anxiety, Pain, Sleep – the vicious triad2023-03-31T15:29:26+00:00

January 2019

24 Hours per Day and Relationships


How do you prioritize your relationships? A friend posted this on Facebook this week.  She got it from Relationship Rules. People make time for who they want to make time for.  People text and reply to people they want to talk to.  Never believe anyone who says they’ve been too busy.  If they [...]

24 Hours per Day and Relationships2020-05-07T14:54:48+00:00


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