December 2021

I propose PREVENT as your word for 2022


Make PREVENT your word for 2022. As we near the start of a new year, it is time to reflect on the year that is passing and plan for the year that is to start.  A book by Jon Gordon introduced the concept of choosing one word to guide your year.  Is that [...]

I propose PREVENT as your word for 20222021-12-29T19:26:41+00:00

What guide do you want to plan your future health?


When I have some technical problems in my business I often want someone in person or on the phone or live chat to guide me through it.  For other such problems, I am happy to look up an instructional video or instruction sheet and do it myself based on what I find. When it comes [...]

What guide do you want to plan your future health?2021-12-03T14:53:25+00:00

March 2016

Four Components of True Health – Physical Health


Physical health component of the four key components of health Physical health is the first of the four components of health. True health requires health in all four components. Over the next three weeks we will talk about each separately. Physical health is the type that is usually thought of first when describing [...]

Four Components of True Health – Physical Health2016-03-13T09:00:46+00:00


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