September 2017

Emergencies and Medications – Are You Prepared?


  Remember medications and medical equipment in emergencies Emergencies - we have had many in the past two weeks.  Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Jose, and a major earthquake. Millions of people evacuated while millions more ‘weathered out’ the storm in shelters and secure buildings. In all of those scenarios, daily life was drastically altered. [...]

Emergencies and Medications – Are You Prepared?2017-09-10T21:20:42+00:00

October 2016

Emergencies and Medications – Are You Prepared?


  Remember medications and medical equipment in emergencies Hurricane Matthew has wreaked havoc on the Caribbean and now part of the southeastern US. Millions of people evacuated while millions more ‘weathered out’ the storm in shelters and secure buildings. In all of those scenarios, daily life was drastically altered. When you take chronic [...]

Emergencies and Medications – Are You Prepared?2016-10-09T13:42:27+00:00


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