April 2017

Why choose a Meds MASH board certified geriatric pharmacist?


How Meds MASH promoted safe, healthy, active living I started a company that I call Meds MASH in 2015. I am a board certified geriatric pharmacist. That means I specialize in medication use in people over the age of 60. What Meds MASH doesn’t do for you: Fill your prescription Your local pharmacist will [...]

Why choose a Meds MASH board certified geriatric pharmacist?2017-04-02T16:11:42+00:00

October 2015

Medications to avoid when over age 65


Since 1991 there has been a group of geriatricians and other physicians identifying medicines that might be inappropriate in people over age 65. Dr. Mark Beers originally led this group, so it is called the ‘Beers Criteria’. This list has been updated every few years. The most recent update was this month.   The medications [...]

Medications to avoid when over age 652015-10-18T17:32:22+00:00

Getting Better – It Takes More than a Prescription


Do you have a health issue? If so, you just need a prescription, and you’ll be all better, right? Huey Lewis sang that he ‘wanted a new drug’. His proposed ‘new drug’ had no side effects and made him feel like he felt when falling in love. Does that describe the prescriptions that you take? [...]

Getting Better – It Takes More than a Prescription2015-10-11T13:37:37+00:00


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