March 2023

Anxiety, Pain, Sleep – the vicious triad


Anxiety, pain, and sleep are a vicious triad of issues.  When you’re anxious, pain feels worse, it is hard to sleep When you’re in pain, it is difficult to sleep, and anxiety rates are higher When you don’t sleep well, pain feels worse, and more things make you anxious Once someone is in the cycle, [...]

Anxiety, Pain, Sleep – the vicious triad2023-03-31T15:29:26+00:00

April 2017

Fear of Failure, Hidden Truths, and Your Health


Fear and hidden truths can have a large negative health impact This is a major religious holiday week for two of the most prevalent religions in the world – Judaism and Christianity. Jews are commemorating the Passover and God’s leading the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt. Over the following 40 years [...]

Fear of Failure, Hidden Truths, and Your Health2017-04-16T14:41:16+00:00

January 2017

Depression, Pain, Anxiety – the Circle of Self


The Circle of Self can lead you into a dark self-absorbed place with pain, depression, and anxiety. I was teaching health profession students this week about mental health and pain. The Circle of Self was a good visual way to capture a current phenomenon. One of the very important things we talked about [...]

Depression, Pain, Anxiety – the Circle of Self2017-01-08T17:32:45+00:00


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