July 2016

Heart Collaterals – the alternate route


Collaterals are your heart’s solution to blood flow problems. Not only does your heart pump essential blood to the body, it is also a vital muscle that needs its own blood flow. There are several arteries that provide blood to the heart muscle to keep it pumping efficiently. Cholesterol or clots can block the blood [...]

Heart Collaterals – the alternate route2016-07-17T13:24:02+00:00

September 2015

Clots lead to TROUBLE


Most strokes and heart attacks have something in common – CLOTS. Normally blood whooshes right through veins and arteries with nothing blocking the way. The blood carries oxygen to all of the parts of the body to provide energy to keep everything functioning properly. Sometimes a fatty diet and genes/family history and some medical conditions [...]

Clots lead to TROUBLE2015-09-13T19:51:43+00:00

August 2015

Hypertension ≠ High Tension


I have had several clients who have interpreted the medical condition hypertension as ‘high tension’. They thought this was a condition related to stress. And then, several thought the condition was only present when they were feeling stressed. How much stress is there in your life right now? How much stress is there in the [...]

Hypertension ≠ High Tension2015-08-16T14:28:02+00:00


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