February 2016

Sugar, Pressure, and Lipids…Oh My! Metabolic Syndrome


Metabolic syndrome Do you have diabetes, or have you been told you have pre-diabetes? Are you overweight, especially around your midsection? Do you have high blood pressure? Do you have high cholesterol? Did you know they often go hand-in-hand? As a group they are called ‘metabolic syndrome’. Metabolic Syndrome This term describes a [...]

Sugar, Pressure, and Lipids…Oh My! Metabolic Syndrome2016-02-14T15:37:13+00:00

August 2015

I have hypertension – so what, I don’t feel any different


When your blood pressure is elevated, most often you don’t feel anything. It is a silent condition. All medications have the potential for side effects. So many people have chosen to avoid the medications and ignore the hypertension. So what? If untreated, high blood pressure (hypertension) can lead to heart attacks, strokes, heart failure, and [...]

I have hypertension – so what, I don’t feel any different2015-08-23T20:18:32+00:00


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