February 2022

Build capacity to lengthen your fuse


You can take steps to lengthen your fuse by building capacity in your life. How long is your fuse? How easily are you frustrated to the point of acting out? Have you noticed things that you could have handled a few years ago now really bother you? How easily do you say or [...]

Build capacity to lengthen your fuse2022-02-09T18:46:33+00:00

April 2020

Hope and Health during COVID


How are you managing your health - all aspects - during this COVID pandemic? How are you here in COVID times?  How are you managing your day, your thoughts, your diet, your exercise, your responsibilities?  I admit, I just ‘did’ these things as I was caught up in the busy-ness of ‘life before’.  [...]

Hope and Health during COVID2020-05-07T12:52:37+00:00

August 2017

Kindness, Care of Others, and Your Health


Choose kindness to improve your health. When was the last time you did something for someone else? When is the last time you were kind? When did you do something for someone else expecting nothing in return? Kindness is so good for your health! This is not just my idea. Kindness and thinking [...]

Kindness, Care of Others, and Your Health2017-08-21T18:25:30+00:00


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