April 2017

Taking 9 Key Steps to Your Best Health


Here are 9 steps to get you to your best health I know you want to feel good. I’ll bet you have a whole list of experiences in your plans for the future. You might be feeling great these days. You might be struggling with some health issues. You might be navigating some [...]

Taking 9 Key Steps to Your Best Health2017-04-23T15:01:14+00:00

June 2016

Who knows your WHOLE regimen of medicine?


Share your WHOLE regimen with your doctors and pharmacist Which of your providers or pharmacists knows your WHOLE regimen of your medicines? When you go to your doctor you are likely asked about the medications you take. Some practices will ask you to include that information on a piece of paper on a [...]

Who knows your WHOLE regimen of medicine?2016-06-26T15:17:55+00:00

October 2015

Getting Better – It Takes More than a Prescription


Do you have a health issue? If so, you just need a prescription, and you’ll be all better, right? Huey Lewis sang that he ‘wanted a new drug’. His proposed ‘new drug’ had no side effects and made him feel like he felt when falling in love. Does that describe the prescriptions that you take? [...]

Getting Better – It Takes More than a Prescription2015-10-11T13:37:37+00:00


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