September 2016

Preventing Falls – New Tools and Resources


There are new tools to help you avoid falls. Now that it is fall, let’s talk about falls. September 22 (or the first official day of fall each year) is national Falls Prevention Awareness Day. This year we have some new resources to learn about and to celebrate. Every year very unintended falls, [...]

Preventing Falls – New Tools and Resources2016-09-25T08:18:49+00:00

July 2016

Your Amazing Liver – what does it do exactly?


Your liver breaks down medication and many other functions. You have a liver. Do you have any idea what it does? I would venture a guess that most people don’t. The liver sits in the upper right quadrant of your abdomen. When your doctor presses on your abdomen and puts fingers up under [...]

Your Amazing Liver – what does it do exactly?2016-07-10T09:05:03+00:00

June 2016

Who knows your WHOLE regimen of medicine?


Share your WHOLE regimen with your doctors and pharmacist Which of your providers or pharmacists knows your WHOLE regimen of your medicines? When you go to your doctor you are likely asked about the medications you take. Some practices will ask you to include that information on a piece of paper on a [...]

Who knows your WHOLE regimen of medicine?2016-06-26T15:17:55+00:00


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