May 2017

Medication Reconciliation – Why it’s important to you


Medication reconciliation can keep you safe. Have you heard the term ‘medication reconciliation’? Probably not, it’s an insider’s term within medicine. But it’s an important concept, and I want you to know about it. I want you to ask about it any time you find yourself going into the hospital, going to the [...]

Medication Reconciliation – Why it’s important to you2017-05-07T17:05:23+00:00

April 2017

Taking 9 Key Steps to Your Best Health


Here are 9 steps to get you to your best health I know you want to feel good. I’ll bet you have a whole list of experiences in your plans for the future. You might be feeling great these days. You might be struggling with some health issues. You might be navigating some [...]

Taking 9 Key Steps to Your Best Health2017-04-23T15:01:14+00:00

Fear of Failure, Hidden Truths, and Your Health


Fear and hidden truths can have a large negative health impact This is a major religious holiday week for two of the most prevalent religions in the world – Judaism and Christianity. Jews are commemorating the Passover and God’s leading the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt. Over the following 40 years [...]

Fear of Failure, Hidden Truths, and Your Health2017-04-16T14:41:16+00:00


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