September 2017

Emergencies and Medications – Are You Prepared?


  Remember medications and medical equipment in emergencies Emergencies - we have had many in the past two weeks.  Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Jose, and a major earthquake. Millions of people evacuated while millions more ‘weathered out’ the storm in shelters and secure buildings. In all of those scenarios, daily life was drastically altered. [...]

Emergencies and Medications – Are You Prepared?2017-09-10T21:20:42+00:00

July 2017

Are you part of the 2% with a perfect medication regimen? I hope so!


Are you in the 2% with a perfect med regimen or part of the 98% with room for improvement? After thousands of patients and over 20 years of collecting data, I consistently find that 2% of the patients I see don’t need any medication change.   I hope you are in this esteemed 2%. [...]

Are you part of the 2% with a perfect medication regimen? I hope so!2017-07-30T16:36:24+00:00

Independence – Live the Retirement of your Dreams


Maintain your independence through safe medication use. Happy Independence Day! On this day of immense gratitude for all who have served to preserve our freedom, I am also thinking about your freedom. My passion professionally is to help people live out their retirement dreams in good health avoiding physical limitations. It sounds so [...]

Independence – Live the Retirement of your Dreams2017-07-04T17:27:52+00:00


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