November 2017

Having a Place to Go – Gratitude this Thanksgiving


Thanksgiving is about being together and feeling loved. I have had the opportunity to interact with many homeless people in the past few months. I’ve learned people can find themselves homeless for a huge variety of reasons. Each story is unique. Thankfully, for many, homelessness is a temporary state while life turns around. [...]

Having a Place to Go – Gratitude this Thanksgiving2017-11-23T23:43:17+00:00

October 2017

Celebrating the Glory of Today – Gratitude and Love


Gratitude for beauty and blessings improves health. We spend so much of our time thinking about tomorrow, planning for tomorrow, working for tomorrow, hoping and dreaming for tomorrow. But tomorrow is never here, and we’ve learned that over and over. We’ve seen so many examples lately of the value of living in the [...]

Celebrating the Glory of Today – Gratitude and Love2017-10-22T22:00:01+00:00

October 2016

Healing Our Wounds – Skin and Relationships


Healing skin wounds is a complex process. The same is true for relationship wounds. Civility, caring for other people, conflict management, self-control, integrity are constructive traits.  I am disappointed and dismayed by the negativity in society right now.  As we near our national election there is blame, ridicule, slander, questionable integrity, and division.  Candidates and [...]

Healing Our Wounds – Skin and Relationships2016-10-30T14:16:18+00:00


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