May 2017

Medication Reconciliation – Why it’s important to you


Medication reconciliation can keep you safe. Have you heard the term ‘medication reconciliation’? Probably not, it’s an insider’s term within medicine. But it’s an important concept, and I want you to know about it. I want you to ask about it any time you find yourself going into the hospital, going to the [...]

Medication Reconciliation – Why it’s important to you2017-05-07T17:05:23+00:00

April 2017

Why choose a Meds MASH board certified geriatric pharmacist?


How Meds MASH promoted safe, healthy, active living I started a company that I call Meds MASH in 2015. I am a board certified geriatric pharmacist. That means I specialize in medication use in people over the age of 60. What Meds MASH doesn’t do for you: Fill your prescription Your local pharmacist will [...]

Why choose a Meds MASH board certified geriatric pharmacist?2017-04-02T16:11:42+00:00

June 2016

Who knows your WHOLE regimen of medicine?


Share your WHOLE regimen with your doctors and pharmacist Which of your providers or pharmacists knows your WHOLE regimen of your medicines? When you go to your doctor you are likely asked about the medications you take. Some practices will ask you to include that information on a piece of paper on a [...]

Who knows your WHOLE regimen of medicine?2016-06-26T15:17:55+00:00


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