March 2017

Optimal Operating Conditions – Live your Healthiest Life


Know your optimal operating conditions What are your optimal operating conditions? How often do you change the oil in your car? How warm/cool do you keep your home? How often do you change your furnace filter? When do you change your car’s tires? I find we tend to be more aware of these [...]

Optimal Operating Conditions – Live your Healthiest Life2017-03-12T20:45:27+00:00

July 2016

Heart Collaterals – the alternate route


Collaterals are your heart’s solution to blood flow problems. Not only does your heart pump essential blood to the body, it is also a vital muscle that needs its own blood flow. There are several arteries that provide blood to the heart muscle to keep it pumping efficiently. Cholesterol or clots can block the blood [...]

Heart Collaterals – the alternate route2016-07-17T13:24:02+00:00

August 2015

I have hypertension – so what, I don’t feel any different


When your blood pressure is elevated, most often you don’t feel anything. It is a silent condition. All medications have the potential for side effects. So many people have chosen to avoid the medications and ignore the hypertension. So what? If untreated, high blood pressure (hypertension) can lead to heart attacks, strokes, heart failure, and [...]

I have hypertension – so what, I don’t feel any different2015-08-23T20:18:32+00:00


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