November 2017

Attitude – the choice is yours and the impact is huge for your health!


Choose your attitude each day, and make it a good one for your health! Is your attitude the RESULT of what is happening around you? Is it the RESULT of what others do to you? Is it the RESULT of your life circumstances? ----OR----Is your attitude your CHOICE? I propose your attitude is [...]

Attitude – the choice is yours and the impact is huge for your health!2017-11-12T20:02:37+00:00

October 2017

Celebrating the Glory of Today – Gratitude and Love


Gratitude for beauty and blessings improves health. We spend so much of our time thinking about tomorrow, planning for tomorrow, working for tomorrow, hoping and dreaming for tomorrow. But tomorrow is never here, and we’ve learned that over and over. We’ve seen so many examples lately of the value of living in the [...]

Celebrating the Glory of Today – Gratitude and Love2017-10-22T22:00:01+00:00

August 2017

Kindness, Care of Others, and Your Health


Choose kindness to improve your health. When was the last time you did something for someone else? When is the last time you were kind? When did you do something for someone else expecting nothing in return? Kindness is so good for your health! This is not just my idea. Kindness and thinking [...]

Kindness, Care of Others, and Your Health2017-08-21T18:25:30+00:00


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