March 2023

Anxiety, Pain, Sleep – the vicious triad


Anxiety, pain, and sleep are a vicious triad of issues.  When you’re anxious, pain feels worse, it is hard to sleep When you’re in pain, it is difficult to sleep, and anxiety rates are higher When you don’t sleep well, pain feels worse, and more things make you anxious Once someone is in the cycle, [...]

Anxiety, Pain, Sleep – the vicious triad2023-03-31T15:29:26+00:00

February 2023

Staying Functional in 2023


Did you set resolutions for the year ahead?  Have you considered your plans to enhance your health this year in such a way that you can count on it in years and decades to come? What about your function?  What does that even mean?  What comes to mind when you think of maintaining your function? [...]

Staying Functional in 20232023-02-03T21:01:57+00:00

July 2017

Independence – Live the Retirement of your Dreams


Maintain your independence through safe medication use. Happy Independence Day! On this day of immense gratitude for all who have served to preserve our freedom, I am also thinking about your freedom. My passion professionally is to help people live out their retirement dreams in good health avoiding physical limitations. It sounds so [...]

Independence – Live the Retirement of your Dreams2017-07-04T17:27:52+00:00


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