May 2019

Filters – living through the stresses in our society


Use filters to manage stress and bad news to preserve your health. I was sitting at a stoplight one block from UNC-Charlotte preparing to turn on to WT Harris Boulevard when it felt like at explosion of sirens went off.  Suddenly there were rescue vehicles coming from everywhere. There were fire trucks, police cars, [...]

Filters – living through the stresses in our society2020-05-07T14:42:30+00:00

November 2017

Attitude – the choice is yours and the impact is huge for your health!


Choose your attitude each day, and make it a good one for your health! Is your attitude the RESULT of what is happening around you? Is it the RESULT of what others do to you? Is it the RESULT of your life circumstances? ----OR----Is your attitude your CHOICE? I propose your attitude is [...]

Attitude – the choice is yours and the impact is huge for your health!2017-11-12T20:02:37+00:00

August 2016

Hate and Health – Surviving These Days


Hate and ugliness have a huge negative impact on your health. Where is your hope? Hate and ugliness can shape your life. It often comes out of nowhere. How you deal with it has a huge impact on your health. You often can’t prevent it. You can’t predict. It hits you out of [...]

Hate and Health – Surviving These Days2016-08-21T10:24:38+00:00


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