May 2016

U-Turn ahead – not too late to turn your health around


Turn your health around. You can still make positive health changes. Is it too late to turn your health around? Although we were raised certain ways we can still make a U-turn, or at least navigate a big curve. I was raised with dessert every day, lots of processed foods, little to no [...]

U-Turn ahead – not too late to turn your health around2016-05-22T14:00:24+00:00

February 2016

I have diabetes – let the pills fix it!


Diabetes - Let the pills fix it! Medications to treat diabetes have revolutionized the treatment of this condition. The number of people with diabetes has been increasing for many years. So, a lot of emphasis has been put on finding new treatments. The number of new types of medications to treat diabetes has [...]

I have diabetes – let the pills fix it!2016-02-21T12:37:20+00:00

Sugar, Pressure, and Lipids…Oh My! Metabolic Syndrome


Metabolic syndrome Do you have diabetes, or have you been told you have pre-diabetes? Are you overweight, especially around your midsection? Do you have high blood pressure? Do you have high cholesterol? Did you know they often go hand-in-hand? As a group they are called ‘metabolic syndrome’. Metabolic Syndrome This term describes a [...]

Sugar, Pressure, and Lipids…Oh My! Metabolic Syndrome2016-02-14T15:37:13+00:00


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