May 2016

When a U-turn is not available – end-of-life care


Supportive options when it's time for end-of-life care. Now we turn to end-of-life care.  Last blog we talked about the U-turns available in your life and health. These can help you feel better and live healthier. We learned you can still make changes that have a positive impact on your overall health. What [...]

When a U-turn is not available – end-of-life care2016-05-29T08:56:35+00:00

January 2016

Your Medications and Your Memory – making things better or worse?


Which meds enhance memory? Which make it worse? Do you ever feel like your memory is slipping? Are you getting forgetful? Prescription Medications and Memory Which of your medicines is helping preserve your memory? There are several medical conditions that can make your memory worse. The medicines that treat those conditions then [...]

Your Medications and Your Memory – making things better or worse?2016-01-03T13:46:39+00:00

August 2015

Life Transitions = Depression Risk


As my son returns to college I am fighting tears and happy at the same time. It is such a big adjustment to be away from him for several weeks at a time. I am sitting here thinking about the big impact of life transitions. We all experience them. It is common knowledge that loss [...]

Life Transitions = Depression Risk2015-08-30T20:48:59+00:00


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