December 2016

Wrong Assumptions lead to Bad Medicine


Avoid wrong assumptions that lead to incorrect actions. When was the last time you made and acted on wrong assumptions? It is so easy to do. You see something from your perspective and your mind fills in the details of the who, what, when, how, and why. It’s often long after you have [...]

Wrong Assumptions lead to Bad Medicine2016-12-14T10:50:09+00:00

November 2016

The Dominoes of Medication – Avoid the Tipping Point


Follow these steps to prevent sudden confusion in the hospital like a series of falling dominoes. Growing up I played countless games of Dominoes with my grandparents. And of course, the other fun thing to do with Dominoes is line them up and watch them fall is some funky pattern. Hospitalization and memory [...]

The Dominoes of Medication – Avoid the Tipping Point2016-11-07T11:49:04+00:00

October 2015

Medications to avoid when over age 65


Since 1991 there has been a group of geriatricians and other physicians identifying medicines that might be inappropriate in people over age 65. Dr. Mark Beers originally led this group, so it is called the ‘Beers Criteria’. This list has been updated every few years. The most recent update was this month.   The medications [...]

Medications to avoid when over age 652015-10-18T17:32:22+00:00


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