April 2023

How do you preserve your decision-making ability?


Pushing through, powering on, taking control are not the answers.  Yet, those are often our go-to solutions when things are difficult. As you can see in the image below, our stress and fear response leads to a negative cycle. Life was complicated before, but WOW, the last three years have stretched and tested us in [...]

How do you preserve your decision-making ability?2023-04-14T21:30:59+00:00

December 2016

Wrong Assumptions lead to Bad Medicine


Avoid wrong assumptions that lead to incorrect actions. When was the last time you made and acted on wrong assumptions? It is so easy to do. You see something from your perspective and your mind fills in the details of the who, what, when, how, and why. It’s often long after you have [...]

Wrong Assumptions lead to Bad Medicine2016-12-14T10:50:09+00:00


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