May 2016

When a U-turn is not available – end-of-life care


Supportive options when it's time for end-of-life care. Now we turn to end-of-life care.  Last blog we talked about the U-turns available in your life and health. These can help you feel better and live healthier. We learned you can still make changes that have a positive impact on your overall health. What [...]

When a U-turn is not available – end-of-life care2016-05-29T08:56:35+00:00

October 2015

Triggers – Asthma and COPD


There are so many things that can bring on an asthma attack making it hard to breath. Some examples are: Perfume Smoke Dust Weeds Pollen Foods Pets Exercise Cool, damp air People with asthma can go from feeling fine to struggling for breath in just a few minutes. The same thing can happen to some [...]

Triggers – Asthma and COPD2015-10-04T17:48:18+00:00


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