November 2016

The Dominoes of Medication – Avoid the Tipping Point


Follow these steps to prevent sudden confusion in the hospital like a series of falling dominoes. Growing up I played countless games of Dominoes with my grandparents. And of course, the other fun thing to do with Dominoes is line them up and watch them fall is some funky pattern. Hospitalization and memory [...]

The Dominoes of Medication – Avoid the Tipping Point2016-11-07T11:49:04+00:00

September 2015

All Confused – Urinary Tract Infection


When we’re younger we learn the typical symptoms of a urinary tract infection (UTI). Burning, frequent urge to urinate, cloudy urine, pelvic pain, and sometimes fever usually accompany a UTI. As we age, these symptoms can be quite different. Confusion is a common symptom. Yet confusion is such a nonspecific symptom, it is often misinterpreted. [...]

All Confused – Urinary Tract Infection2015-09-06T12:07:26+00:00


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