December 2021

Before you give up…marriage in retirement


Marriage steps to go the distance through retirement. Have you noticed the things that caused arguments and disagreements in marriage early on come back with a vengeance as you near retirement? Differences in people that are married/committed seem to arise at rather predictable times. First year – wow, you’re different than I thought you [...]

Before you give up…marriage in retirement2021-12-16T14:53:51+00:00

March 2019

Your Doctor’s Advise – Misunderstanding can lead to BAD Decisions


Let us help you avoid misunderstanding with your doctor. Have you ever experienced misunderstanding with someone?  Did that lead you to make a bad decision?  If you had understood the original message, would you have made a different decision? I have had two client examples this week.  I'll share one now and one [...]

Your Doctor’s Advise – Misunderstanding can lead to BAD Decisions2020-05-07T14:47:51+00:00

February 2017

Communicate Your Way to Better Health


Communicate to decrease conflict and increase understanding using reflective statements How do you handle conflict? For most of us the answer is, ‘not very well’. Conflict can raise your blood pressure, constrict your veins and arteries, and make your heart beat harder and faster. Did you know that communication is NEARLY ALWAYS at [...]

Communicate Your Way to Better Health2017-02-26T17:44:24+00:00


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