April 2017

Why choose a Meds MASH board certified geriatric pharmacist?


How Meds MASH promoted safe, healthy, active living I started a company that I call Meds MASH in 2015. I am a board certified geriatric pharmacist. That means I specialize in medication use in people over the age of 60. What Meds MASH doesn’t do for you: Fill your prescription Your local pharmacist will [...]

Why choose a Meds MASH board certified geriatric pharmacist?2017-04-02T16:11:42+00:00

October 2015

Getting Better – It Takes More than a Prescription


Do you have a health issue? If so, you just need a prescription, and you’ll be all better, right? Huey Lewis sang that he ‘wanted a new drug’. His proposed ‘new drug’ had no side effects and made him feel like he felt when falling in love. Does that describe the prescriptions that you take? [...]

Getting Better – It Takes More than a Prescription2015-10-11T13:37:37+00:00

September 2015

When medications cause more harm than good


What is a thorough medication evaluation? Would you benefit from one? Don’t other people already evaluate your medications on a regular basis? Do you worry about hurting someone’s feelings if there is a difference of opinion about your medication regimen? You likely have several different healthcare providers – your primary care doctor, any nurse practitioners [...]

When medications cause more harm than good2015-09-20T13:39:22+00:00


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