January 2017

The Road of Chronic Illness is (Sometimes) Lonely


Take these steps to stay motivated in the care of a chronic illness. Have you experienced this? You have new symptoms, so friends and family are concerned and checking on you. You get a new chronic diagnosis, and friends and family are concerned and supportive. Then, the ‘new’ wears off. The condition continues. [...]

The Road of Chronic Illness is (Sometimes) Lonely2017-01-29T15:54:05+00:00

August 2015

Life Transitions = Depression Risk


As my son returns to college I am fighting tears and happy at the same time. It is such a big adjustment to be away from him for several weeks at a time. I am sitting here thinking about the big impact of life transitions. We all experience them. It is common knowledge that loss [...]

Life Transitions = Depression Risk2015-08-30T20:48:59+00:00


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