May 2016

U-Turn ahead – not too late to turn your health around


Turn your health around. You can still make positive health changes. Is it too late to turn your health around? Although we were raised certain ways we can still make a U-turn, or at least navigate a big curve. I was raised with dessert every day, lots of processed foods, little to no [...]

U-Turn ahead – not too late to turn your health around2016-05-22T14:00:24+00:00

February 2016

Over-the-counter NSAID pain medicines – how safe are they?


Are OTC NSAIDs safe for everyone? Some people think medicines that are available over-the-counter are always safe.   I don’t want you to be one of those people. Ibuprofen and naproxen are a class of medicines called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). They can treat pain, inflammation (swelling and redness), and fever. Hundreds of million [...]

Over-the-counter NSAID pain medicines – how safe are they?2016-02-28T14:15:18+00:00

January 2016

Flu or Cold – What do you take with high blood pressure?


What do you take for a cold/flu with hypertension? ‘Tis the season of flu, cough, and colds. I’ll be surprised if you don’t know someone with one of these right now. There are many products lining the shelves of the pharmacies and grocery stores ready to treat your symptoms. If you have high [...]

Flu or Cold – What do you take with high blood pressure?2016-01-17T16:25:31+00:00


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