May 2017

Numbers: Do you know the importance of each of your numbers?


    Know how your numbers are key to your health. What are the key numbers in your life? I just turned 50. That is a number that seems like a real turning point. I like a viewpoint a friend shared with me: the first half-century is training and preparation for the better [...]

Numbers: Do you know the importance of each of your numbers?2017-05-15T19:07:05+00:00

March 2017

Optimal Operating Conditions – Live your Healthiest Life


Know your optimal operating conditions What are your optimal operating conditions? How often do you change the oil in your car? How warm/cool do you keep your home? How often do you change your furnace filter? When do you change your car’s tires? I find we tend to be more aware of these [...]

Optimal Operating Conditions – Live your Healthiest Life2017-03-12T20:45:27+00:00

February 2017

Communicate Your Way to Better Health


Communicate to decrease conflict and increase understanding using reflective statements How do you handle conflict? For most of us the answer is, ‘not very well’. Conflict can raise your blood pressure, constrict your veins and arteries, and make your heart beat harder and faster. Did you know that communication is NEARLY ALWAYS at [...]

Communicate Your Way to Better Health2017-02-26T17:44:24+00:00


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