July 2016

Your Amazing Liver – what does it do exactly?


Your liver breaks down medication and many other functions. You have a liver. Do you have any idea what it does? I would venture a guess that most people don’t. The liver sits in the upper right quadrant of your abdomen. When your doctor presses on your abdomen and puts fingers up under [...]

Your Amazing Liver – what does it do exactly?2016-07-10T09:05:03+00:00

March 2016

Four Components of True Health – Physical Health


Physical health component of the four key components of health Physical health is the first of the four components of health. True health requires health in all four components. Over the next three weeks we will talk about each separately. Physical health is the type that is usually thought of first when describing [...]

Four Components of True Health – Physical Health2016-03-13T09:00:46+00:00

August 2015

I have hypertension – so what, I don’t feel any different


When your blood pressure is elevated, most often you don’t feel anything. It is a silent condition. All medications have the potential for side effects. So many people have chosen to avoid the medications and ignore the hypertension. So what? If untreated, high blood pressure (hypertension) can lead to heart attacks, strokes, heart failure, and [...]

I have hypertension – so what, I don’t feel any different2015-08-23T20:18:32+00:00


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