When was the last time you did something for someone else? When is the last time you were kind? When did you do something for someone else expecting nothing in return? Kindness is so good for your health!
This is not just my idea. Kindness and thinking of others rather than always thinking about yourself is promoted by most of the world’s religions. All of the major religions encourage treating other people the way we want to be treated. If we would find something hurtful, then we shouldn’t do that thing to other people.
In my mind, if all of the major religions of the world agree to this basic principle, then it might truly be good for you!
Kindness is a choice
Good, beautiful things happen all around you every day.
Discouraging, annoying, negative things happen all around you every day.
Which do you notice more?
Is your first, natural reaction a kind one – or – a negative one?
We might tell ourselves that events are happening TO us, but the reality is, we get to choose our reaction. Our response is in our own control.
Maybe you haven’t always exercised that control, but you can choose kindness over a more negative response.
When we focus on other people, we both benefit!
Kindness and health
As I’ve researched this I have been amazed at all of the studies, literature, and measurements of the health benefits of kindness. Noticing, caring for, and being kind to other people has a positive benefit throughout our whole body.
Kindness is good for your mental and your physical health!
Here are just a few of the changes that YOU will experience when you are kind:
- More relaxed
- Less focused on your own pain, mood, worries
- More positive outlook
- Feel better about yourself
- Decreased loneliness and helplessness
- Sense of feeling connected
Kindness has also been shown to:
- Help with weight control
- Lower your blood pressure
- Decrease your acid reflux in your stomach
- Boost your immune system
- Help you sleep better
- Decrease your pain
Truly, there is so much to gain! When you are kind, the whole world feels like a brighter place.
I have seen medication use decrease, overall health increase, and people love their life so much more when they decided to practice kindness.
For more information, a list of references, or just to chat about this topic, please contact me at michelle@medsmash.com; 410-472-5078; or www.medsmash.com/contact.
For further application, check out my personal blog.