Let go of control and let go of anxiety, depression, and pain
I’ve mentioned before, the three types of medications prescribed most commonly in the United States treat anxiety, depression, and pain. I propose CONTROL is in the midst of this frequent prescribing.
What happy, exciting things do you anticipate for 2017?
What fears, concerns, or dread do you have for 2017?
How much control do you have over the good things you anticipate?
How much control do you have over the things that concern you?
How well do you deal with the instances where you have no control?
I have had patients who rarely leave their house for fear of what could happen while out that they wouldn’t be able to control. Some fear injury or accident. Some fear having to interact with other people. Some fear having to make a decision for which they’re not prepared.
Other patients have had bad experiences they were unable to control. Someone they loved died, left, or now rejects them. In other cases, they were in an accident, hurt by someone, or had some other negative event they fear could repeat.
All of this worry directly impacts rates of anxiety, depression, and even pain. When worry doesn’t find an outlet, it can lead to pain, often chronic pain.
Letting go of control
Want to ease into 2017 with less burden and more lighthearted joy? Try letting go!
The Serenity Prayer that is prayed in 12-step programs is:
‘God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
and the Wisdom to know the difference.’
This is a powerful prayer. It acknowledges that there is so much beyond our control. Try as we might, we just cannot control or change some things.
For instance, I know a lot of people are incredibly tense about the implications of a new president in2017. They stew about the ‘what-ifs’. They worry about all of the things that could go wrong. They read each prediction, especially from the sources that don’t support the newly elected official. It’s all they think about, talk about, read about, watch on TV. They get more and more anxious as they continue on this circular path.
I know people who fear certain diagnoses such as cancer, heart disease, or Alzheimer’s Disease. They jump on any unusual symptom. Their frequent use of the medical system often leads to the prescribing of several medications. All of these medications interact causing problems of their own. As the person feels worse, the more they fall down this negative slippery slope.
Hope for 2017
Consider how the Serenity Prayer could be your mantra for 2017. Spend your energy, thoughts, and time on things that are positive. Do the things you enjoy. Spend time with those who love and support you. Reach out and help others.
For the many, many things in this world that could go wrong – Let It Go! If you can’t control it, admit that and let it go.
This change could actually mean less anxiety, less depression, and less pain.
For more information about the link between control and health, please contact us at 410-472-5078 or www.medsmash.com/contact.
You can find further application at my personal blog.
Image source: Winter Icon by Gwebwt.blogspot.com