August 2016

Hate and Health – Surviving These Days


Hate and ugliness have a huge negative impact on your health. Where is your hope? Hate and ugliness can shape your life. It often comes out of nowhere. How you deal with it has a huge impact on your health. You often can’t prevent it. You can’t predict. It hits you out of [...]

Hate and Health – Surviving These Days2016-08-21T10:24:38+00:00

To feel better – do for someone else – altruism


Altruism helps others and improves your health. I am just back from Jamaica, and I need to write about altruism. I was working with a mission group called TEAMS. You can learn more about them at This medical mission group included 3 physicians, 1 nurse practitioner, 2 nurses, 3 pharmacists, 3 for [...]

To feel better – do for someone else – altruism2016-08-15T11:47:10+00:00

July 2016

Your Amazing Kidneys – what do they do exactly?


Your kidneys clean the blood and manage water Kidneys – most people have two. Their function is essential for life. If they stop working, then other types of filtration have to be used. We will talk about these back-up plans in a bit. Think of your kidneys are filters, really good filters. They [...]

Your Amazing Kidneys – what do they do exactly?2016-07-24T13:55:41+00:00


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