October 2016

Medicare Open Enrollment – Which plan type for you?


October 15 to December 7 is your window to select a Medicare plan. Let us help.     I find Medicare and Medicare Open Enrollment to be very confusing. Do you? Let’s spend the next two weeks trying to better understand your options and guide you through the Open Enrollment process. I highly [...]

Medicare Open Enrollment – Which plan type for you?2016-10-16T13:49:11+00:00

September 2016

Senior Service Providers – a huge network of resources


There are many types of senior service providers for you to research in your area. Our population is aging! And there is a rapidly growing network of Senior Service Providers to help promote healthy, safe aging. I was first introduced to this ever expanding network about a year and a half ago. So [...]

Senior Service Providers – a huge network of resources2016-09-18T20:37:26+00:00

Gratitude and Satisfaction – Healthcare Perspective


Have you expressed gratitude for your healthcare? When was the last time you expressed gratitude for your healthcare? How often are you satisfied with the healthcare you receive? When do you suppose is the last time your doctor, nurse, pharmacist, medical assistant, intake/discharge specialist, or billing office received a ‘Thank you!’? I encourage [...]

Gratitude and Satisfaction – Healthcare Perspective2016-09-11T21:24:15+00:00


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