May 2019

Filters – living through the stresses in our society


Use filters to manage stress and bad news to preserve your health. I was sitting at a stoplight one block from UNC-Charlotte preparing to turn on to WT Harris Boulevard when it felt like at explosion of sirens went off.  Suddenly there were rescue vehicles coming from everywhere. There were fire trucks, police cars, [...]

Filters – living through the stresses in our society2020-05-07T14:42:30+00:00

March 2019

Your Doctor’s Advise – Misunderstanding can lead to BAD Decisions


Let us help you avoid misunderstanding with your doctor. Have you ever experienced misunderstanding with someone?  Did that lead you to make a bad decision?  If you had understood the original message, would you have made a different decision? I have had two client examples this week.  I'll share one now and one [...]

Your Doctor’s Advise – Misunderstanding can lead to BAD Decisions2020-05-07T14:47:51+00:00

February 2019

Retirement is a Dish Best Served Well-Prepared


A well-prepared retirement can be healthy and fulfilling Retirement will be most successful if you take some time and do some planning.  This is true whether you stop working completely or adjust responsibilities to have more flexibility.   Like every phase of life, big decision, or major transition, planning helps navigate the expected [...]

Retirement is a Dish Best Served Well-Prepared2020-05-07T14:49:03+00:00


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