April 2020

Hope and Health during COVID


How are you managing your health - all aspects - during this COVID pandemic? How are you here in COVID times?  How are you managing your day, your thoughts, your diet, your exercise, your responsibilities?  I admit, I just ‘did’ these things as I was caught up in the busy-ness of ‘life before’.  [...]

Hope and Health during COVID2020-05-07T12:52:37+00:00

August 2019

Informed Decisions – how do you make your healthcare decisions?


All natural doesn't necessarily mean safe and useful. Know before you decide so you can make informed decisions. Years ago I started having a discussion with patients who were making personal decisions about their health. “If you reach the last days of your life and say, ‘Yes, this is what I expected’, then [...]

Informed Decisions – how do you make your healthcare decisions?2020-05-07T12:58:56+00:00

June 2019

The Third Chapter – how do you plan to write yours?


Are you ready to plan your third chapter of life to preserve your health? The Third Chapter has become the popular term for life past about age 60 thanks to Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot and her book by this name.  Your 3rd Chapter is where you leave your legacy, focus on what is most important, and [...]

The Third Chapter – how do you plan to write yours?2020-05-07T14:19:47+00:00


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