February 2022

Emotions out of control? Build capacity through sleep


Do you get upset, angry, or cry easily? Tips are here! How often do you feel like crying? Do you cry or get upset with the slightest provocation? Do things that were manageable before now seem overwhelming? How is your stress level? Can you handle one more piece of bad news? If you [...]

Emotions out of control? Build capacity through sleep2022-02-18T01:08:30+00:00

Build capacity to lengthen your fuse


You can take steps to lengthen your fuse by building capacity in your life. How long is your fuse? How easily are you frustrated to the point of acting out? Have you noticed things that you could have handled a few years ago now really bother you? How easily do you say or [...]

Build capacity to lengthen your fuse2022-02-09T18:46:33+00:00

January 2022

PREVENT – cognitive decline in retirement, Part 2


Do you fear this—the steady decline of cognitive ability? The slow decay of our minds and our ability to think, recall, remember? Do you consider it each time you forget something? What are you doing about it? As we focus on prevention, unless you have a medical condition causing your memory decline, most of the rest is [...]

PREVENT – cognitive decline in retirement, Part 22022-01-21T00:55:30+00:00


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