August 2017

Kindness, Care of Others, and Your Health


Choose kindness to improve your health. When was the last time you did something for someone else? When is the last time you were kind? When did you do something for someone else expecting nothing in return? Kindness is so good for your health! This is not just my idea. Kindness and thinking [...]

Kindness, Care of Others, and Your Health2017-08-21T18:25:30+00:00

July 2017

Are you part of the 2% with a perfect medication regimen? I hope so!


Are you in the 2% with a perfect med regimen or part of the 98% with room for improvement? After thousands of patients and over 20 years of collecting data, I consistently find that 2% of the patients I see don’t need any medication change.   I hope you are in this esteemed 2%. [...]

Are you part of the 2% with a perfect medication regimen? I hope so!2017-07-30T16:36:24+00:00

Serenity- Exploring this component of your health


Finding time for quiet serenity is key to good health. Where do you find serenity? Webster defines serenity as, ‘the state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled’. I have just returned from a trip of celebration with my Mom (70), me (50), and my daughters aged 18 and 16. We have been planning [...]

Serenity- Exploring this component of your health2017-07-17T13:25:05+00:00


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